PDF-Download sed & awk (In a Nutshell), by Dale Dougherty

PDF-Download sed & awk (In a Nutshell), by Dale Dougherty
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sed & awk (In a Nutshell), by Dale Dougherty

PDF-Download sed & awk (In a Nutshell), by Dale Dougherty
Sed & Awk (In A Nutshell), By Dale Dougherty Wie können Sie Ihren Geist sein offenere transformieren? Es gibt viele Quellen , dass Sie Ihre Ideen steigern helfen könnte. Es kann von einigen Leuten aus den verschiedenen anderen Begegnungen und Geschichte sein. Buch Sed & Awk (In A Nutshell), By Dale Dougherty gehört zu dem auf Quellen verlassen zu erhalten. Sie könnten zahlreiche Publikationen , die wir hier auf dieser Website zu diskutieren. Und auch zur Zeit, wir zeigen Sie gehören zu den besten, die Sed & Awk (In A Nutshell), By Dale Dougherty
Check-out ist in der Tat eine Notwendigkeit, und auch dies ist in diesem Leben von entscheidenden Bedeutung. Wenn jemand viel zu lesen, einfach Ihre ganz eigene Vorstellung machen handhaben, was ist mit dir? Wann werden Sie viel zu überprüfen beginnen? Viele Menschen wollen immer ihre Zeit nutzen [vollständig zu lesen. Ein Buch, das sein Lesematerial endet sicherlich gute Freunde am Ende, wenn sie in einsam bleiben. Die Sed & Awk (In A Nutshell), By Dale Dougherty, die wir hier tatsächlich gegeben haben, beziehen sich auf jeden Fall auf die wunderbaren Mittel sowie Empfehlung, dass gutes Leben einstellen.
Ob Einzelpersonen Lesen der Praxis haben zuteilt das Niveau der Lebensqualität zu verbessern, warum nicht? Sie könnte auch einige Mittel als das, was sie auch tun. Lesung Sed & Awk (In A Nutshell), By Dale Dougherty wird seine Vorteile mit Sicherheit für alle Menschen geben. Gewiss, das sind Personen, die tatsächlich das Buch ausgecheckt sowie erkennen es auch nur über das, was wirklich führt anzeigt.
Wenn immer Sed & Awk (In A Nutshell), By Dale Dougherty als Ihre Analyse Ressource, könnten Sie die einfache Methode erhalten, um es zu evozieren oder zu erhalten. Es erfordert für Sie zu wählen und auch herunterladen und die Soft-Datei von dieser Veröffentlichung aus dem Link bezeichnet installieren, die wir hier tatsächlich zur Verfügung gestellt haben. Wenn alle wirklich, dass hervorragendes Gefühl haben, diese Veröffentlichung zu lesen, sie oder der Willen ständig davon ausgehen, dass die Veröffentlichung der Lektüre sich sicherlich immer wieder führt viel besser Ziel. Überall dort, wo das Ziel dauerhaft viel besser ist, das ist genau das, was wahrscheinlich wird sicherlich erwerben Sie, wenn bei den Ausgaben Ersatz mal dieses Buch als eine Ihrer Analyse Quellen auswählen.

sed & awk describes two text processing programs that are mainstays of the UNIX programmer's toolbox. sed is a "stream editor" for editing streams of text that might be too large to edit as a single file, or that might be generated on the fly as part of a larger data processing step. The most common operation done with sed is substitution, replacing one block of text with another. awk is a complete programming language. Unlike many conventional languages, awk is "data driven" -- you specify what kind of data you are interested in and the operations to be performed when that data is found. awk does many things for you, including automatically opening and closing data files, reading records, breaking the records up into fields, and counting the records. While awk provides the features of most conventional programming languages, it also includes some unconventional features, such as extended regular expression matching and associative arrays. sed & awk describes both programs in detail and includes a chapter of example sed and awk scripts. This edition covers features of sed and awk that are mandated by the POSIX standard.This most notably affects awk, where POSIX standardized a new variable, CONVFMT, and new functions, toupper() and tolower(). The CONVFMT variable specifies the conversion format to use when converting numbers to strings (awk used to use OFMT for this purpose). The toupper() and tolower() functions each take a (presumably mixed case) string argument and return a new version of the string with all letters translated to the corresponding case. In addition, this edition covers GNU sed, newly available since the first edition. It also updates the first edition coverage of Bell Labs nawk and GNU awk (gawk), covers mawk, an additional freely available implementation of awk, and briefly discusses three commercial versions of awk, MKS awk, Thompson Automation awk (tawk), and Videosoft (VSAwk).
The book begins with an overview and a tutorial that demonstrate a progression in functionality from grep to sed to awk. sed and awk share a similar command-line syntax, accepting user instructions in the form of a script. Because all three programs use UNIX regular expressions, an entire chapter is devoted to understanding UNIX regular expression syntax. Next, the book describes how to write sed scripts. After getting started by writing a few simple scripts, you'll learn other basic commands that parallel manual editing actions, as well as advanced commands that introduce simple programming constructs. Among the advanced commands are those that manipulate the hold space, a set-aside temporary buffer. The second part of the book has been extensively revised to include POSIX awk as well as coverage of three freely available and three commercial versions of awk. The book introduces the primary features of the awk language and how to write simple scripts. You'll also learn: common programming constructs; how to use awk's built-in functions; how to write user-defined functions; debugging techniques for awk programs; how to develop an application that processes an index, demonstrating much of the power of awk; and FTP and contact information for obtaining various versions of awk. Also included is a miscellany of user-contributed scripts that demonstrate a wide range of sed and awk scripting styles and techniques.|The book begins with an overview and a tutorial that demonstrate a progression in functionality from grep to sed to awk. sed and awk share a similar command-line syntax, accepting user instructions in the form of a script. Because all three programs use UNIX regular expressions, an entire chapter is devoted to understanding UNIX regular expression syntax. Next, the book describes how to write sed scripts. After getting started by writing a few simple scripts, you'll learn other basic commands that parallel manual editing actions, as well as advanced commands that introduce simple programming constructs. Among the advanced commands are those that manipulate the hold space, a set-aside temporary buffer. The second part of the book has been extensively revised to include POSIX awk as well as coverage of three freely available and three commercial versions of awk. The book introduces the primary features of the awk language and how to write simple scripts. You'll also learn: common programming constructs; how to use awk's built-in functions; how to write user-defined functions; debugging techniques for awk programs; how to develop an application that processes an index, demonstrating much of the power of awk; and FTP and contact information for obtaining various versions of awk. Also included is a miscellany of user-contributed scripts that demonstrate a wide range of sed and awk scripting styles and techniques.
Alle Produktbeschreibungen
Taschenbuch: 432 Seiten
Verlag: O'Reilly and Associates; Auflage: 2 (1. März 1997)
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN-10: 9781565922259
ISBN-13: 978-1565922259
ASIN: 1565922255
Größe und/oder Gewicht:
17,8 x 2,5 x 23,3 cm
Durchschnittliche Kundenbewertung:
4.4 von 5 Sternen
11 Kundenrezensionen
Amazon Bestseller-Rang:
Nr. 94.257 in Fremdsprachige Bücher (Siehe Top 100 in Fremdsprachige Bücher)
Wer darüber nachdenkt sich dieses Buch zu kaufen sollte eventuell vorher "Classic Shell Scripting" des selben Verlags lesen.Dieses Buch beschreibt hervorragend sed & awk, aber eben nicht mehr. Viele Dinge in dem Buch machen natürlich nur Sinn oder ergeben einen Nutzen wenn man fundierte Shell-Scripting Fähigkeiten vorweisen kann.
Eigentlich hatte ich mir "sed & awk" gekauft weil ich meine Kenntnisse mit sed vertiefen wollte. Dafür ist es auch sehr gut geeignet. Allerdings erklärt der Arnold Robbins sed von den Grundlagen an bis hin zu aufwändigen sed-Skripten. Damit ist es auch für Anfänger geeignet.Mit awk verhält es sich im Buch genauso. Alles wird erklärt, von den Anfängen bis zu den komplexen Skripten.Für jemanden, der nicht nur online lernt ein sehr gutes Buch. Natürlich gibt es zu diesen beiden betagten Unix-Werkzeugen eine Menge an Tutorials und Beispielen im Internet, aber das schmälert nicht den Wert dieses Buches.
All of sed and awk that most unix users know, including many professional administrators, is 's/this/that/' and '{ print $1 }'But there is so much more these two tools can do. And this book shows you how. In each of the two major parts things are laid out in a logical manner building up knowledge thoroughly from the ground up, all supported by lots of well explained examples.Both, sed and awk, rely heavily on regular expressions and the authors don't let you down in this area either. Chapter 3 is dedicated to equip you with a well enough working knowledge of regular expressions. It surely is not as thorough as Jeffry Friedl's "Mastering Regular Expressions", but the chapter packs a lot of information into the 29 pages. Especially with awk, there are quite a number of different versions out there and they are not quite identical in feature scope. Differences among some major implementations are discussed as well. Finally, in the appendices, you can find a quick reference for both sed and awk.As thorough (and even beginner friendly) as the book is, it does have one drawback: it is old. Much of the sample code deals with manipulating troff files or uucp logs. Both things many unix/linux users of today have no idea about. The reliance on such old samples is not a problem per se, they still do the job of demonstrating concepts and usage of sed and awk quite nicely. But these samples are much less applicable to sed/awk users today than they were twenty years ago when the first edition of this book was published. What I also think would be badly needed in an updated third revision is a discussion of how to use these tools with non-English charactersets and Unicode.While this is an excellent book for learning to use sed and awk much more effectively, let's hope that the authors sometime get around to do an overhaul, provide samples which are more accessible today and also add a chapter or two about using these tools with the much larger and inherently more complex charactersets in common use today.
Unix has earned itself quite a reputation for its potent tools, used for batch editing of text files (like program output). Sed and Awk are two of these tools. Sed is a direct descendent of Ed, the original Unix line editor, which employs regular expressions, a powerful method for description of patterns in text, for operations like substitute, append or delete. Awk is a complete scripting language with programming structures like conditionals, loops, functions etc., developed in 1970's by Alfred Aho, Brian Kernighan and Peter Weinberger (hence A-W-K). The trio has also written a book on Awk.Dale Dougherty (in the 2nd edition with Arnold Robbins, maintainer of GNU Awk and author of several more books on Awk programming language) have made a good job in making a thoroughly readable tutorial on Sed and Awk. However, it remains a mystery to me how they succeeded to fill no less than 407 pages with it. Mind you, Sed and Awk are not really some big monsters. There exist something like two dozens of operators in Sed (most of them you will probably never use), and the syntax of Awk mimics those of C programming language, so it is likely that you know it already. Once you grok the idea of regular expressions, you should become a proficient user of Awk in about 30 minutes.In conclusion, go buy the book if your need to manipulate text files on Unix and you think you need a lengthy tutorial with a gentle learning curve. Otherwise, short references on Awk and Sed, like the ones in "Unix Power Tools" and a bunch of examples showing some tricks you might not think of, will probably be more useful. In addition, it is good to know that during the nineties, much of the focus has drifted from Awk to Perl, so you might consider a book on Perl as well.
Say what you will about the depth of this book. I am here to tell you that on more than one occasion this book has saved my bacon. Several times in different environments I needed to use sed to correct data in flat files. Once I used sed to change the format and numbers when we wanted to match accounting numbers to a different system. I haven't used that much awk. However there has been occasion to transfer awk programs from one Unix to a different Unix flavor. I found that the regular awk in this book was newer than the newawk in the other system. I Still keep the book handy incase I get squeezed for time and have to manipulate files. However I am learning more and more to appreciate PERL on those occasions.
I was very interested in learning sed and awk, and so picked up this book. Like most O'Reilly titles, it is an excellent piece of work. I learned a great deal and was able to get started and pump out some useful code after spending some time with this book. However, I soon found that when it came to tackling some very difficult tasks with sed and awk, this book didn't seem to serve me very well as a reference. I have a feeling that sed and awk are not the sort of thing that one could learn with just one book; there are so many applications for these tools that one must choose what one wishes to do, and find the right books to supplement this excellent text.
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